Brick selection advice
April 23, 2024
Around 240 species of pollinators are solitary bees who do not live in colonies but in cracks, crevices and holes in tree, walls and buildings.
The Ibstock Bee Brick allows the bee to create a safe nest in the face of a brick. With an enclosed back and sides, resident bees can only enter and leave through the face holes, ensuring safety for both bee and home owner.
With 17species protected under UK law, Britain’s Bat population are well protected to preserve their vital role in the nation’s eco-system.
Discreet and easy to install, Ibstock’s clay faced Bat Box provides a haven for this important, yet endangered mammal. Ibstock’s clay-faced Bat Box solution allows for the creation of several roosting zones within the box, making it the ideal product for new builds and conservation work.
The swift population continues to decline with the species on the Red UK conservation status. This is due, in part, to modern buildings failing to provide a suitable nesting site, due to the effective sealing of eaves.
The Swift box has been carefully designed for new build and retrofit applications where there is a requirement to provide habitat for birds.
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